Trusted certification and Coherent process

When you place an order with a certification body, the certification process begins, but you need to discuss compliance before you start the application. At the prototype stage, we assist with technical advice, training, and pre-compliance testing. We can then open the test and certification project.

STEP 1: Quotation (Manufacturer Request)

The manufacturer submits a letter, fax or email to us, requesting Approval for a product or assembly. The manufacturer provides the location, scope of work, model numbers, specifications and applicable sales literature, and determine the scope of the project, the authorization code, the ambient temperature range, and the number of products that need to be included in the certificate. It also determines other approvals required. KSC sends a proposal letter to the customer with the scope of work, cost estimates, schedule, required tests and sample needs. A contractual agreement is also mailed for signature (Master Agreement). The manufacturer then authorizes the proposal in writing and submits all requested material and information identified in the proposal. At the time of ordering, determine the documents and test sample products needed to start the project. We will provide you with a quotation that describes the equation price and the project schedule.

STEP 2: Evaluation

After ordering, we make drawing or specification to product comparisons. If all necessary items are received, we review the design and prepare for physical testing based on appropriate criteria. And then testing is scheduled and conducted. We can also advise if there are any non-compliance at this point or if additional information is needed in the technical documentation.

STEP 3: Testing

We can test in internationally accredited Laboratory owned by our company. We follow the highest standards of accuracy to achieve reliable results. It may be necessary to discuss if the test fails. You can limit or adjust the compliance specifications. Change the product design and retest.

STEP 4: Final Assessment

When all tests are complete satisfactorily, the technical documentation describing the product is reviewed to ensure that it contains sufficient levels of detail to define the product to be certified. We prepare an evaluation report detailing all compliance and testing.

STEP 5: Review

We review the evaluation reports and technical documentation for accuracy and completeness.

STEP 6: Certification decision

We prepare evaluation reports and technical documents for certification. Details will be reviewed, and certification will be considered based on the appropriate certification scheme. If pass, we issue the certificate.

STEP-7: Surveillance

Products are subject to monitoring and require factory audits or inspections. It ensures that the product complies with the technical documentation. A factory audit is required before issuing a product certificate. If the factory audit is completed successfully and all audit results are cleared, a quality approval certificate or report will be issued.

STEP 8: Project Review (PDCA)

Upon completion, we would like to take an opportunity to mutually review the project. By identifying items that worked, improved, or failed throughout the project, you can determine an action plan to move forward. This is a way to help everyone involved improve performance and skills, as well as facilitate continuous improvement.
